Um A military man in the Empire

  • Marcos Guimarães Sanches Mestre em História do Brasil, Doutor em História Social, professor de História do Brasil da Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UNIRIO) e a Universidade Gama Filho e sócio honorário do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro (IHGB).
Keywords: Tamandaré, Military Career, Imperial State


The promotion to Navy Patron of Admiral Tamandaré suggests a professional and profile trajectory investigation about him. Participating of almost all internal and external militaries actions since Brazilian independence untill the Triple Alliance War, he has not envolved himself with politics or party issues, assuming any tasks outside Navy. A long military career besides the predominance of a thecnical and professional profile have been some of the outstanding predicates mentioned by his biographers, that contributed to the construction of a patron image.
