Os The directions of professional education for the Navy officers in the Regency and the limits of the theory of the “eradication policy” of the Armed Forces

  • Carlos André Lopes da Silva Capitão de Corveta (T), mestre pelo Programa de Pós-Graduação de História Social da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro e especialista em História Militar Brasileira pela Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, sócio efetivo do Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil e membro do Laboratório de Estudos dos Militares na Política. Atua como pesquisador da Diretoria do Patrimônio Histórico e Documentação da Marinha há pouco mais de dez anos.
Keywords: Military professional education, Academia dos Guardas-Marinha, Brazilian government


Professional training in a same school for future officers of the Armed Forces has been discussed for some time in the forums about Defense Policies as means to enhance military interoperability and lower the rising costs of maintaining Armies and Navies next of the state of the art. The reunion of Navy and Army officers in the same educational institution has been tried at the beginning of the Brazilian Regency and has shown unsatisfactory results for both, especially for the Navy that saw the Naval Academy become extinct for a short time. This action seems to correspond with a general understanding of the Brazilian historiography about the retraction of the Armed Forces promoted by the Regency government. However, it has not led to any resource savings, but only indicates an unsuccessful attempt to improve the institutions of the Brazilian State.
