
a battle of controversies

  • Francisco Eduardo Alves de Almeida Oficial de Marinha, professor de História Naval e Estratégia do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Estudos Marítimos (PPGEM) da Escola de Guerra Naval. É historiador graduado, mestre e doutor em História Comparada pela UFRJ. Membro emérito do Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil.
Keywords: naval battle, occupation of historian, War of Paraguay, Battle of Riachuelo, Riachuelo controversy


The Naval Battle of the Riachuelo has been intensely discussed during the last 150 years. The interpretations of English-speaking authors have been particularly harsh on the actions of the Brazilian Navy. In this paper we intend to discuss the function of the historian and his professional instruments, in order to effectively analyze five controversies: the initial position of the imperial naval forces, the comparison between the warring powers, the beginning of the battle, Barroso’s performance in that combat, and, finally, how decisive that battle actually was.
