Peace attempts in the Paraguayan War

  • Francisco Doratioto Professor no Departamento de História da Universidade de Brasília e Bolsista em Produtividade de Pesquisa do CNPq. É membro do Instituto Histórico e Geográfico Brasileiro, da Academia Paraguaya de la Historia, da Academia Nacional de la Historia (Argentina) e do Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil.
Keywords: War of Paraguay, Peace in War of Paraguay, diplomacy and war


This article analyzes three attempts to reach an armistice during the Paraguay War in order to bring the Parties in the dispute to negotiate peace. Two of these attempts – from United States and South American republics – were intentional and one resulted from the existing circumstances. All of these attempts have failed, either because they happened when Francisco Solano López had positive expectations regarding the war, or because to the Brazilian Empire only victory could guarantee the Monarchic State’s objectives not to be jeopardized.
