A The formation of the hero Tamandaré in the Brazilian Navy

a brief theoretical analysis

  • Francisco Eduardo Alves de Almeida Capitão-de-Mar-e-Guerra, Historiador graduado pela Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Membro e Instrutor do Centro de Estudos de Política e Estratégia da Escola de Guerra Naval e 2o Vice-Presidente do Instituto de Geografia e História Militar do Brasil (IGHMB). Atualmente é aluno de Mestrado do Programa de Pós-Graduação em História Comparada da UFRJ, tendo exercido o cargo de Diretor do Serviço de Documentação da Marinha entre 2005 e 2007.
Keywords: Naval Hero, Tamandaré, Patron of the navy


A hero is built historically for a determined purpose. The perception of the hero has changed through History. Since Homer until the present time the hero has been playing different social roles. In the 20th Century professor Sidney Hook established two types of heroes. The hero type man-moment and hero type man-epoch. In the Brazilian Navy Joaquim Marques Lisboa, Marquis of Tamandaré was chosen by the Navy Minister in 1925 Admiral Alexandrino de Alencar to be the Patron of the Navy and so has become the great brazilian naval hero. This article describes the ten characteristics that distinguished Tamandare as the hero type man-epoch, becoming a legend in the naval circles, and also the reasons that took Alexandrino to choose him to be that hero and patron.
